a lazy weekend reciprocates the warmth and enthusiasm with which I greet it in
the morning.
With all the time in the world to go through the papers,
every few sentences I took a break to gaze at the trees and bushes around and
savour the shades of clean fresh green. While doing so, I kept an eye out for
activity on the peepul tree nearby which plays host to a wide variety of birds
apart from the omnipresent crows and pigeons that I am heartily sick of. I nodded
a polite neighbourly hello to the regulars I spotted – male and female Asian
koel, oriental magpie robin, red-vented bulbuls, coppersmith barbets, and some
tiny brown thing with a yellow chest; but once their continued patronage of the
tree was confirmed and I had greeted them, I didn’t pay much attention to them.
‘Ghar ki murgi daal baraabar’ as the saying goes, I see this bunch quite often.
On a cloudy breezy monsoon morning, what better way to have started
the day than to have plonked myself in the balcony with a steaming mug of tea
and a pile of newspapers ? What bliss to have a balcony in Bombay, even a tiny
shoe-box sized one like mine !

of being ignored
in this manner ; it’s cute in an awkwardly put-together-in-a-hurry sort of way,
with a plump green body, yellow eye-ring, red beret, red bar on the chest and
straggly whiskers sprouting on the sides of its beak; I guess it thought to
itself, “what’s all the colour for if not to be admired, eh ?” So it perched on
a branch quite close to where I was sitting and emitted this funny ‘woop’ sound
just as I looked up from the paper. It’s cunning ploy succeeded in getting my
attention, I’d never heard the coppersmith barbet’s call before, never thought
it would sound like this either, it looks more like a cheep-er or chirrup-er
than a woop-er.
Newspaper forgotten, I watched and listened carefully as the
little thing hopped from branch to branch, emitting woops every few seconds.
It’s quite a deep call; imagine stepping lightly on the tail of a bird with hiccups,
that’s how I imagine its yelp of distress would sound. Or think of a puppy - a
really tiny one, only a few days old – trying out its voice, those tiny yips
and yelps they emit before they learn how to bark. Then marry that sound with
the gurgle of the last bit of water as it rushes down the drain after you pull
out the plug. That’s the coppersmith barbet’s woop.
It totally made my day. Like I said, sometimes you welcome a
lazy day, sometimes a lazy day welcomes you.
p.s. If you’re interested, you can hear the call here.
Though the bird in this link emits a more continuous call than the one I heard,
maybe I heard a juvenile calling.
The link above also mentions that the ‘Coppersmith barbet’s
metronomic call has been likened to a coppersmith striking metal with a hammer,
I guess that’s where the bird gets its name from. This article from the Guardian confirms my hypothesis. One more mystery solved.
p.p.s None of the pics in this post were taken by me, I got them off various blogs thanks to google search.
Enjoy the weekend, folks !
Your photograph has been stolen by this gentleman claiming to be his, shot on his camera using a 55-250mm lens.
this is for your information.
please copyright your photos to avoid phishing.
This photograph was posted by my friend Amit Joshi as his photograph. Unfortunately, this photograph is the property of another person,and is published in Blogger - the link i have posted below.
This is a very unfortunate incident, and it reflects on the mentality of the person who says he shot this picture using a Canon 55-250mm lens.
These are his words : it was taken by canon -55-250 used close up flters
Friends, we are photographers, why go to the extent of stealing a photograph of some other photographer to hog the limelight. Such incident should be detested at all levels.
I am bringing this to your notice Entropy Muse, just to inform the blogger to use watermarks to avoid his excellent photos being stolen.
I have already informed all my friends in facebook, and will put him to shame.
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