Tuesday, May 04, 2010

I'm Lovin it !

Five reasons for loving the book :

1. The title : ‘Zenobia – the curious book of business’
2. The description : ‘A book of triumph over Yes-Men, Cynics, Hedgers, and other Corporate Killjoys’
3. The question marks scattered topsy- turvy all over the cover
4. The stance the heroine adopts as she gazes at the question marks, and what it implies about her no-nonsense attitude
5. Her glorious red shoes and red-striped socks, on her first day at a new job !

While I relish the title of the book, in all honesty I must let you know that the Zenobia in the title is a once-mighty corporation bedevilled by paralysing hierarchies, grossly inadequate communications, distrust and over-reliance on stultifying rules.

Into this mess steps Moira, a young lady responding to a help-wanted ad that directs her to room 133A. Except that nobody knows where the room is, there are no directions or signs either. Her journey through the Zenobian maze is filled with obstacles such as twisted ladders with missing rungs, a tight-rope walk, people that heckle, scorn and discourage her, a room full of power-pointers endlessly revising slides with old data etc.

A reviewer described this book as ‘Harry Potter meets bureaucracy’. While I wouldn’t go that far, I will admit that it’s a rollicking ride !

(I didn’t write this book, but I wish I had).
p.s. Rads, thanks for the book.

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