Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Birder Bladder and other tidbits

Being one of those that have a few birding – fanatic friends, I am able to relate how this species is physiologically and attitudinally different from the regular couch potato homo sapiens. Note : the following changes have been observed only in fanatic birders, not in the armchair or amateur variety.

1. Birder bladder : XXL size, can continue for long intervals of time without needing to use the amenities

2. Birder vision (a) : can visit forests, deserts, mangroves, rivers etc and notice only the birds, nothing else. Not a beautiful sunrise or sunset, not a picturesque boat-ride through the backwaters, only the birds.
Birders can even venture enthusiastically into grassy areas where bunches of men are going for their morning job, and unabashedly focus binocs and cameras wherever a bird flutters. I was on one such trip recently, and while I was a bit embarrassed, neither the birders not the men were; the presence of a bunch of women did not even deter a guy who was in the middle of an open field !

Birder vision (b) : Crop everything out of photos except the bird - leaves, flowers, trees, all extraneous.

3. Lifer over Life :
(Lifer : A first-ever sighting of a bird species by an observer – courtesy Wikipedia)

Only one idea at birding time – have camera, will click. Even when it goes against basic survival instincts !

While on a bird-watching walk inside a sanctuary in East India, we saw a tribe of wild elephants grazing not far from us. Our guide requested us to walk in single-file in absolute silence; the forest guards were visibly frightened, one of them tried to load his antique gun but could not, adding to our fear. So there we were, walking quietly, not even taking deep breaths; when the trigger-happy camera-club could take it no more and nonchalantly focused their weapons and…..Whirrrr clickkk clickety-click whirrrrr. And continued even as one massive elephant swiveled his head, fixed his beady eyes on us and started moving forward !!

4. Aversion to bright colours – only black, grey, brown and dull green allowed while bird-watching. Large part of my time preparing for each birding trip is spent in finding clothes of the aforementioned colours in my wardrobe; my argument that birds sit on trees with bright flowers and therefore will be attracted to bright colours falls on deaf ears.

5. Birder G.K. – whether the Grimett is better than the Salim Ali and why

6. Birder GK useful to non-birders - Hanging out with birders helps you win in games like name-place-animal-thing. Who else would think of a ‘zitting cisticola’, 'yuhina', ‘temminck's tragopan’ etc ?



Anonymous said...

This post is a load of baloney. Allow me to rebutt your points individually.

1. Birder bladder size irrelevant as birders have no hangups about answering nature's calls out in the open

2. (a) Birders do notice other things, also note that couch potato has no chance of ever noticing anything as they do not leave the couch. To prove the point - birders were the ones to see a double rainbow in Mussourie while certain non-birders were busy stuffing their faces.

(b) Valid point. And IMO quite the sensible thing to do, rather than asking the viewer to use the binocs on a photo.

3. Plagiarism !!

4. Valid point. Extension (please include in revised version): pouring bottles of moisturizer on oneself is also detrimental to bird viewing.

5. Could have elaborated this one more. Lots of potential here, I tell you!

6. How 'bout a game of scrabble? :-)

Entropy said...

:-) Hi,
Would have written this post much earlier had I known it would get you to play a game of scrabble.
Sending you a scrabulous invite on facebook pronto.

Anita said...

Birder heaven - The place you reach when you are busy taking snaps of birds in the face of angry elephant like in point no. 3.


Entropy said...

:-) Anita, good one. Think bonerpakhi (see earlier comments) will want to whack you for the wise-crack though.