Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Obama vs. W - Different or Same ?

Today, contemplating while being snowed in, I started thinking about everything that Obama is doing in his first few days in office. Be it trying to save the economy by bailing out banks, insurance companies, car manufacturers, etc. OR pushing through a 10 year budget OR embarking upon health care reforms OR taxing the rich to feed the coffers & supposedly help the poor... Why is he rushing to get all this done now? Why not space it out over his first term?

So here is my epiphany, he is trying to push as much as possible right now when the country is in panic mode & looking hopefully to the new leader of the free world to fix it. In these "tough economic times", people are willing to overlook any so called inconveniences for the sake of the light at the end of the tunnel - SAVING THE ECONOMY!

Now here is my question - how is this different from the actions of W (Dubya) in 2001? There was panic in the US & in the name of security & defense against the axis of evil, so many initiatives were pushed through which may have made us a safer nation of people, but have also pushed the limit on constitutional rights or even basic human rights. Did we bat an eyelid? No siree! We were rallying around the Commander-in-Chief to save us from terror on our own soil!

In business this is called, taking a bath. So if nothing else, they have an intelligent set of advisors! But woe to the common man! We are being taken for a ride yet again. All my money (through taxes) are being ploughed into penny stock companies like CITI & AIG!

It is time not only to bat eyelids, but banding together to put an end to this nonsensical vicious spiral that we are being dragged into. If companies are not fit to run, let them sink. Do not try & throw these multi-billion dollar life preservers at them! Their mass is so ginormous & unwieldy & grotesque that drowning is inevitable. Live & let die! Survival of the fittest!!

Alok Gupta

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